MyLabel Designer Deluxe votes

MyLabel Designer can create and print out any labels that you need
Johnny Dangerously
8 years ago
There is one main reason this software is best (for me at least.) It is the ONLY labeling software that I have found that lets you SKIP LABELS and print only a certain number of labels on the sheet.I use that feature mainly for creating and printing one-off labels. All the other software makes me print an entire sheet, or is difficult to reuse a sheet. e.g. I print one label but I don't like it. I make changes, and the next time I print onto the same sheet I can tell it to skip the label I've already used. Other software or templates would require me to virtually move the label to the new position -- very awkward.Another great idea I've used. I once created some return address labels for a blind friend of mine. But wait, how will he know which way is UP? My solution was simple with MyLabel Designer: I simply printed HALF a sheet, turned the sheet around, and then printed the OTHER half. That way, he always knew the top 4 or 5 rows were UP.I've used this software for about 25 years, and I've never found anything better.
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